RTPO New Mexico
Regional Transportation Planning Organizations of New Mexico (rtponm.org)
NMDOT contracts with the South Eastern New Mexico Economic Development District (SNMEDD) for the counties of Otero, Eddy, Lea, Chaves, Lincoln, and their respective incoporated municipalities.
NMDOT also contracts with the Eastern Plains Council of Governments (EPCOG) for the counties of Curry, De Baca, Roosevelt, their respective incorporated municipalities therein, and the town of Vaughn in Guadalupe County.
SNMEDD and EPCOG operate under agreement with NMDOT to manage the South East RTPO (SERTPO) which delivers:
A local prioritization of transportation related projects, a forum for communication and discussion on transportation related, policies, issues, and training opportunities; and a network for technical assistance on transportation related funding sources and cycles.

Governing Documents
SERTPO Public Participation Plan October\November 2022
SERTPO EPCOG Title VI Plan-Curry, De Baca, Roosevelt County and the Town of Vaughn
You may find recent audits here
EPCOG Quarterly Report & Reimbursement Request
SNMEDD's Info Here (Resolutions available here with other SERTPO documents as well)

Regional Plans and Prioritization
SERTPO Membership Confirmation Form
SERTPO TAP, RTP, and CRP Deadlines
SERTPO Long Range Plan (Draft posted for comment until October 15th, 2022
SERTPO EPCOG Regional Work Program-Curry, De Baca, Roosevelt County and the Town of Vaughn
SERTPO Regional Transportation Improvement Program Recommendation RTIPR (Roadway)
SERTPO/NERTPO EPCOG Annual Performance and Expenditure Report APER
Roadway Deadlines and Due Dates
Southeast RTPO Contact Information
SERTPO Program Managers
Raul Rodriguez III, EPCOG/SERTPO-Clovis - rrodriguez@epcog.org
Mary Ann Burr, SNMEDD /SERTPO-Roswell- mbsnmedd@plateautel.net
SERTPO Planning Liaison
Vacant, NMDOT Urban & Regional Planner
SERTPO Tech. Asst. Engineer
Francisco Sanchez, P.E., District Engineer