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NMDOT contracts with the South Eastern New Mexico Economic Development District (SNMEDD) for the counties of Otero, Eddy, Lea, Chaves, Lincoln, and their respective incoporated municipalities.
NMDOT also contracts with the Eastern Plains Council of Governments (EPCOG) for the counties of Curry, De Baca, Roosevelt, their respective incorporated municipalities therein, and the town of Vaughn in Guadalupe County. 
SNMEDD and EPCOG operate under agreement with NMDOT to manage the South East RTPO (SERTPO) which delivers:
A local prioritization of transportation related projects, a forum for communication and discussion on transportation related, policies, issues, and training opportunities; and a network for technical assistance on transportation related funding sources and cycles.
Southeast RTPO Contact Information


SERTPO Program Managers

Raul Rodriguez III, EPCOG/SERTPO-Clovis -

Mary Ann Burr, SNMEDD /SERTPO-Roswell-


SERTPO Planning Liaison

Vacant, NMDOT Urban & Regional Planner


SERTPO Tech. Asst. Engineer

Francisco Sanchez, P.E., District Engineer

Current SERTPO Committee Members

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