RTPO New Mexico
Regional Transportation Planning Organizations of New Mexico (rtponm.org)

The Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) is a voluntary association of local governments and the New Mexico Dept. of Transportation. Made up of municipalities, counties, and pueblos in the non-metropolitan portion of the region, the Mid-Region RTPO acts as the state-required regional planning organization for the area. It provides a forum for members to meet, plan, and work together on issues related to transportation in the middle Rio Grande region.
Its membership consists of elected officials and their designated alternates. Federal and state agencies with a responsibility for transportation planning and programs in the region are also represented on this committee in an advisory, non-voting capacity.
Mid-Region RTPO documents and meeting materials can be found on the Mid-Region Council of Governments MRRTPO webpage.
The MRRTPO meets the 3rd Thursday of every other month, with meetings starting at 9:30 AM at the MRCOG offices at 809 Copper Avenue NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102.